Hi guys! I am Etty, a 90’s kid with roots in Ghent, Belgium.
This is my personal travel +  lifestyle blog. If you like adventures
as much as chilling with a good novel at hand, you’ve come to the right place.

I studied Music Management at the Pop + Rock Academy in Belgium.It was my dream to one day work
in the music industry. Those years were, undoubtably, the best years of my life.
After I graduated I got stuck in a rut. I couldn’t find a job I really wanted to do. After two years,
I was done. I needed an out. So I left to backpack Australia for a whole year.

I travelled along the East Coast Of Australia, meeting fellow wanderers everywhere I went. I spend
7 months in Australia and then, what was supposed to be a one week holiday in Bali, ended up in a
2 month backpacking trip through Southeast Asia. Needless to say, traveling abroad was the best
decision I’ve ever made in my life. Who knows if I ever do work in Music again?

created It’s Etty to share stories with everyone at home. But during my travels I realized that
I loved writing about my travels. I loved writing in general.
I have been hibernating at home for quite a bit.
But who knows what tomorrow will bring?
I’m not in a hurry.
xo E

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