Cambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one day

Hands down; Angkor Wat is till this day one of the epic, most memorable things I’ve ever seen in my life. The ancient temples and tombs whisper stories of Angkor’s mysteries, hidden between ruins and time. Though I wish I could have explored more of Cambodia, I only had time to stop in Siem Reap. Most people chose to spend a few days in Siem Reap to spread their visit to Angkor Wat in a few stops. I understand this decision, because the heat in Cambodia becomes so unbearable in the afternoon, you’ll fry. I FRIED PEOPLE, I FRIED.

Though, it’s also perfectly possible to cover your visit in just one day.

Here’s a quick list of all you will cover in one day:

  • Siem Reap City
  • Phnom Bakheng
  • Angkor Wat
  • Bayon
  • Angkor Thom
  • Ta Prohm



There is only one place-to-be for backpackers visiting Siem Reap: The Mad Monkey Hostel. Take a look at their website and you will find out for yourself: a swimming pool to escape the heat, comfortable rooms with cheap upgrade options and a restaurant/beach on the top floor. The food has a western menu and is slightly more expensive, but absolutely de-li-cious! Book the hostel in advance.

Tip: US dollars are widely used around Cambodia and you can’t withdraw the local currency from the ATM, only US dollars. Do note that this makes everything slightly more expensive.

The staff at Mad Monkey Hostel informed us about the trip options to Angkor. We booked our trip with Vi, a friendly local tuk tuk driver though would be our guide for the rest of the day.

 Cambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one dayCambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one day



Phnom Bakheng is an ancient temple where everyone goes to see the sun set. You can either drive up there the night before you take your trip to Angkor, or the same day. The sun starts setting around 6 PM, but due to the long que of people we missed out. We eventually made it to the top of the temple and still enjoyed a breathtaking view. Note, if you want to watch the sunset, make sure you go early enough.



Want to watch the sunrise over Angkor? IT’S AN ABSOLUTE MUST FOR YOUR VISIT! Set your alarm for 4 AM! It will still be dark outside, so enjoy the tuk tuk drive in the cool temperature and collide in with the dozen other tuk tuk’s that make their way to the first and main temple of the trip: Angkor Wat.

Sit by the river and watch as the colours change and shapes appear over the magnificent temple.

Just before the sun rises, make your way into the temple so you avoid the mass of tourist who will be pouring in by now. If you don’t want to lose your friends immediately like I did, tie a balloon around your wrist. Just saying. It will save you about two hours of trying to find them.

Take about one or two hours to wander the old ruin city of Angkor Wat, breathe in the old secrets hidden in the cracks of the stone and let your mind wander.

Cambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one dayCambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one day


The second destination of our trip was the every so impressive Bayon temple. Built in the 12th century, this buddhism temple has 54 towers each presenting 4 (pretty realistic) faces.

Cambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one dayCambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one day



Tomb Raider alert! These tombs were where Lara Croft’s adventures were filmed. Make your way through the dazzling temple and alongside the dozen photographing tourists. Try to get a little out of the more popular zone and you’ll find so many quiet places to enjoy the view.

Cambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one dayCambodia guide: how to visit Angkor Wat in just one day

In conclusion, visiting the ruin cities of Angkor and all its magnificent features is a once in a life opportunity. You can enjoy it in one day or in a few, that is completely up to you. I know that one day I’ll return to explore the beautiful country of Cambodia some more. And I will definitely return to Angkor to behold it all once more.

Who else of you have travelled to Angkor Wat before? How did you experience it?

Read all about my Southeast Asia’s adventures here!

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