Six reasons to visit Malaga for a short citytrip

I’m gonna say it, spring is almost here and I could not be more excited. Though I enjoy winter and snow and drinking tea by the fire, it’s time to come out of hibernation. Why not hop on a plane and visit South of Spain on a city trip? A while back I visited my friend Esperanza, with whom I travelled across Southeast Asia months ago. It was one of those spontaneous moments where I though, what the hell. So I bought a plane ticket and left. Here’s what we were up to those days and some tips to do in Malaga.


  • Head over to Los Banos Del Carmen, a charming restaurant by the seaside. A lot of locals go here to grab lunch so if you want to be guaranteed a seat, you should make a reservation. Surprisingly inexpensive, giving the perfect location.
  • Once you are in there, make sure to walk around the neighbourhood Pedregalejo. Pedregalejo is located by the beach, with many coloured houses and narrow streets. There are many authentic restaurants where you can try the local fish, or drink by the bar to watch the sunset.


Six reasons to visit Malaga for a short citytrip Six reasons to visit Malaga for a short citytrip

  • When you arrive in the city of Malaga, it’s impossible not to notice the Castle Gibralfaro. As you walk up (yes, lazy people can take a bus) the Castle, you will see Malaga below in awe. Walk around the old castle grounds and enjoy the picturesque Malaga below. Have a Gin & Tonic at the bar, enjoy the sun and the location and just the fact that you are at this amazing place.
  • Malaga is insanely cheap.  A 10 minute taxi ride would only be € 5 and you can buy a large back of churros for less than € 1!
  • Spice up your Spanish, or bring you dictionary.  I ignorantly thought I would be fine with English, but locals don’t use it often. Thankfully I had my personal guide Esperanza with me. Though I don’t like to be dependable from anyone, that’s why learning Spanish is on my to do list!
  • Guys, guys, guys, there is one reason in particular that I need to visit Malaga again soon. I had the best chocolate pastry while I was there. Esperanza even thought me how to ask for this pastry in Spanish while I went to the bakery on my own (though I shamefully already forget the sentence.) This pastry is called Palmera De Chocolate.  Remember that name. Remember.

Six reasons to visit Malaga for a short citytrip Six reasons to visit Malaga for a short citytrip


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