When I accidentally stumbled on Sløtface a few days ago, I had no idea I would be hooked so quickly. They’ve been around for a while now, the Norwegian pop punk four-piece youngsters. They’re fast, they’ve got attitude and lead singer Haley Shea seems to mean business with her feminist, sharp lyrics.

“Patti Smith would never put up with this shit.”

“What the hell is an it-girl anyway?”

Their latest single, ‘Pitted’ is a perfect pop-punk anthem about the struggles of a twenty-something-year-old struggling to stay in at home or go out to party with their friends. (Honestly, it feels like this song was written about my life.) The single was to first to be unveiled from Sløtface’s debut album ‘Try Not To Freak Out’, which will be release September 2017 with Propeller Recordings.


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