Ever have that feeling when you’re packing and you keep thinking you’re forgeting something? THINK NO MORE. For any first time backpacker, packing your bag to travel on a long term can be quite a burden. I remember packing when I left for my year abroad, I simply had no idea how to begin. How can you possibly fit a year’s worth of supplies in one bag?

You can. And you’ll have to.



There’s one thing that all backpackers agree on: less is more. When I left to Australia, my backpack weighted around 20 kilo’s. I know, it was WAY to heavy! There was just no way I knew what I was going to need in Australia. After a few weeks, when I was in full time travel mode, I could feel my back and shoulders getting worse. I knew I had to dump some of my supplies. Over the months I began to realize that about 30% of the stuff in my backpack, I simply wasn’t using. (At some point I had four large novels in my backpack. I was reading the Mortal Instruments installment and just couldn’t leave them behind. Don’t ask.)  I had also brought way to many clothes! One by one I got rid of a few things, so by the time I left for Southeast Asia (where a lot of flights awaited me) I had a good 15 kilo’s on my back. Trust me, it’s even better to travel with less.



In Australia I stayed in hostels, so I didn’t need to consider bringing a tent, sleeping matras, cooking equipment and such. (In most Australian hostels, they provide cooking equipment.) When you’re going on a backpacking trip while camping, you’ll need to remember that those equipments take in a lot of space and weight a lot more. When you’re camping while driving a car or campervan, this is of course no trouble.



For you’re next travels, simply take a look at my “Backpacker’s Packing List” below. This list was mainly inspired by my own travel to Australia, so there will be things you won’t need. I also added a few more things in case you’re going on a camping trip.

You can also download the PDF version for free, print it out and check off as you prepare for your travels. Simply sign up below and you’ll receive your version! Hope you enjoy it!




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