I arrived at Cape Byron YHA at 11 pm. It is a very lovely hostel, quiet but still a lot going on. It’s strange that moving from one hostel to another already feels natural to me. You adapt so quickly to the backpackers lifestyle and every time it feels a little like coming home. Especially in great hostels like Cape Byron. It’s the second YHA that I lived in and I enjoyed it so much!

I fell in love with Byron pretty quickly. It’s a small town with nightclubs and bars, few clothing and surf stores, quiet beaches and beautiful nature nearby.

Things to do in Byron Bay:

  • Do Todd’s (manager Cape Byron YHA) free Lighthouse Tour. If you’re lucky you might see some whales in the distance. It was a two and a half hour walk up to the lighthouse. Todd, born and raised in Byron, taught us so much more about the city. Along the way we saw dolphines, whipbirds – I call them whiplash birds, because when they sing it sounds like someone is using a whiplash, true story.
  • Go to the most easterly point of Australia. It’s worth posing for a cheeky picture.
  • Party at Cheeky Monkeys!
  • Silent disco party at the beach. This was truly an amazing night. The moon was out, so we danced in the waves with the moonlight reflection on the ocean while we listened to Slim Shady, Happy, Hakuna Matata,… It was by far the most fun night I had since I arrived in Oz.


Hostels I stayed at in Byron Bay:

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