Cheers for the bookworms amongst us; there’s another reason to stay in bed a little longer. “And what might that reason be”, I can hear you ask sarcastically, peeking over from you computer screen. Glad you asked! The reason is the long awaited sequel to the desert adventures of gunpower girl Amani Al’Hiza in Rebel Of The Sands:

Traitor To The Throne

I looked up the word ‘unputdownable’, and even though I’m sure it’s not correct English, the Oxford Dictionary seems to buy it, so why shouldn’t I? I literally finished Traitor To The Throne in two days, and nope, I know no shame. In the first installment of the trilogy we see Amani Al’Hiza flee out of Dustwalk to wander the desert full of dangerous magic. In Traitor To The Throne, Amani, now a member of the Rebellion, falls in the hands of the Sultan and uncovers secrets that never left the palace walls… Amani comes face to face with magical creatures of the night and learns the hard way that legendary tales told by the campfire might just contain more truth in them than she had ever thought. And amongst all of that, there is still time for some wild, spellbound romance.

Alwyn Hamilton dares to write a Young Adult story with a ballsy heroine, takes storytelling to a new level and bring us a (sandy) whirlwind of the Arabian Nights. Take it from me, Hamilton will take you  someplace you haven’t been before.

“Tell me how you want your story to go, he says, and we’ll write it straight across the sand.”

Now, we wait until the last novel of the trilogy arrives. It might still be a while, so I’ll keep you informed about other novels while we wait.

You can buy Traitor To The Throne here.

For those who already read the novels, what was your intake? Any other novels you recommend? 

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