For us Europeans who don’t know him, Steve Irwin ‘The Crocodile Hunter’ is an icon in Australia. He has spend his whole life helping wildlife animals and faced the most dangerous animals without blinking an eye. Images of him wrestling crocodiles will leave you stunned. Until the unfortunate day in 2006, where he was stung by a stingray in the heart and tragically passed away. There could be no better memory of him than Australia Zoo.


I personally have never been fond of caged animals and try to avoid zoo’s, but Australia Zoo is nothing like I’ve ever seen before. It  is, for most animals, a sanctuary. It is without a doubt the best animal zoo I’ve ever visited. The animals have a lot of space to wander around, just hop in with the kangaroo’s and join them for a nap. Their living quarters are very well maintained. Every few hours there is a crocodile show that is mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time. 


A lot of the crocodile’s that live in this zoo were intentionally meant to be hunted. It was Steve Irwin who captured them and gave them a new home.

The visitor gets a lot of information about the animals that inhabit this place, how to threat them, what they eat, what to do with animals in case of an emergency.


If you want to visit a zoo in Australia, I recommend this one.

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