Why Tam Coc & Phong Nha are worth a visit

Tam Coc is a small and quiet village close to Ninh Bin. The best way to see the beauty of Tam Coc is by taking a boat trip with one of the locals who take you through the limestone mountains, under caves and passed ricefields.

We heard quite a few backpackers complaining about taking the boat in the center of Tam Coc; the prices were too high, merchants angrily trying to sell you souvenirs and on top of the paid price the locals would ask an insane amount of tip.

We asked around and instead took a taxi to another part of the river, where we paid a fixed price and enjoyed a calm boat trip without many tourists.

Why Tam Coc & Phong Nha are worth a visit Why Tam Coc & Phong Nha are worth a visit

Phong Nha

Another night bus later we arrived in Phong Nha, a national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is the place where you will find a little piece of magic. For me, that was Paradise Cave.

Paradise Cave was a sight I’ve never witnessed before. We made our way deep in the heart of the cave and I was in awe of the magical sight – the insanely beautiful stalactites and stalagmites were shaped in different colour, size and formation. A ticket costs 250.000 Vietnamese Dong per person and it is absolutely a must to visit!

Tip: Visit the Paradise Cave on a later hour around noon, so you miss being trampled by tourists.


Read all about my Southeast Asia’s adventures here.

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