Finding adventure in dalat

Dalat Family Hostel

The best thing about Dalat is no doubt the Dalat Family Hostel. First things first, the dorms in this hostel aren’t very modern and some equipment didn’t work. But somehow none of that mattered, because the rest of the hostel was great.

When you first enter the hostel, either morning, afternoon or dinner you are welcomed by the cheerful family who hug and drag you to the dinner table to put a whole free meal in front of you. Their slogan is fitting: Adopting family members since 2013!

In the evening you are invited to a ‘family dinner’, which is exactly as it sounds. A dozen backpackers crowd around the table while all sorts of food is brought over. It’s all you can eat, until you drop dead. All of this for only 50.000 Vietnamese Dong (less than €2).

Afterwards you hang out and chill, maybe play a little Flunky Ball in the park below (I honestly don’t remember whether my team won or not), and later join the gang for a pubcrawl.

Finding adventure in dalat Finding adventure in dalat

Canyoning Trip

Make sure you book a Canyoning trip! Truthfully, I didn’t really know what canyoning entailed and I signed up not really thinking through that I have a very bad fear of heights. Oh well.

It was probably the first real adventurous thing I have done every since travelling. I was shaking on my legs, my heart was in my throat but after the first descend where Lindsey and I screamed at the top of our lungs, I started to like it more. (At least a little more, I still had a whole day ahead.)

Vietchallenge, our company we booked with, took us from descending down caves to sliding down waterfalls, jumping in the water from 7 meter high (honestly, my heart), to falling down a waterfall.

It’s not for the faint hearted! But since I survived without a heart attack, you’ll manage.


Finding adventure in dalat Finding adventure in dalat

Read all about my Southeast Asia’s adventures here.

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